
Showing posts with the label Solo Travel

Couchsurfing: My Unforgettable Adventures 🪐

Picture this: you're a solo traveler, ready to explore the world on a budget. You want to experience the local culture, connect with people from different backgrounds, and make some unforgettable memories along the way. Well, look no further than Couchsurfing, the platform that connects travelers with locals who are willing to host them for free. My profile  Let me tell you, Couchsurfing is a whole new world of adventure! During my recent trip to Bangladesh, I met some of the most incredible people through Couchsurfing. My first host, Emrul, was like a real-life genie who gave me the key to his flat and let me explore the city like a local. We roamed around Dhaka, trying the street food, and even dancing with the locals in the streets. And the food! My next hosts, Rashed and Saleh, were the ultimate foodie duo. They took me on a culinary journey in their dinner table itself, introducing me to traditional Bengali dishes and the hidden gems of the local food scene. I also met Ashikur

The Thrill of Solo Travel: Why Solo Travel Should Be on Your Bucket List

Traveling is awesome, isn't it? The idea of exploring new places, meeting new people, and having adventures is enough to make anyone's heart skip a beat. And while some folks prefer to travel in groups, others - like me here - are all about that solo travel life. In fact, I'm such a fan of hitting the road solo that I've been called crazy for not bringing any friends along. But you know what? I love it! And there are so many benefits of traveling solo that I just had to write a blog post about it. Also there are some downsides listed below. Stock image   The real perk of solo travel is the people you meet. When you're on your own, you're more likely to strike up conversations with locals and other travelers. And who knows? You might just make some lifelong friends. Plus, if you're traveling solo, you don't have to worry about anyone cramping your style or slowing you down. You can go at your own pace and do whatever the heck you want. And let's not

Solo Travel in Bangladesh 🇧🇩: A Journey Through History, Culture, and Nature

[ This post uses Bio nic Read ing ® for faster reading! ]  When I deci ded t o ta ke a so lo tr ip t o Bangl adesh , I d id n 't qui te kn ow wh at t o exp ect . B ut fr om t he mom ent I hop ped o n t he Mait ree Expr ess , a n interna tional tra in th at conn ects Kolk ata a nd Dha ka , I kn ew I w as i n f or a n adven ture .  A s I chug ged alo ng t he countr yside , I cou ld n 't he lp b ut fe el gid dy wi th excit ement . I me an , I w as o n a n interna tional tra in ! Maitree express   A nd a s so on a s I arri ved i n Bangl adesh , I w as m et wi th wa rm smi les a nd frie ndly loc als w ho we re eag er t o he lp m e navi gate m y w ay aro und t he coun try .    With Piash A nd l et ' s ta lk abo ut t he fo od . O h m y good ness , t he fo od ! Fr om t he spi cy biry ani t o t he swe et mis hti d oi , I w as i n culi nary hea ven . I cou ld n 't res ist try ing a ll t he diffe

Exploring Meghalaya 🌦️: A Journey through Beauty and Bribes

Meghalaya, a state in the northeastern region of India, is a land of rolling hills, lush forests, and unpredictable weather. It's also a place where corruption runs rampant, as I discovered when I entered through the Tamabil Dawki border from Bangladesh. The immigration officer demanded a bribe, and I had to cough up the cash to continue on my journey. But despite this setback, I was excited to explore the beauty of Meghalaya. A lunch on the way from Dawki to Shillong During border crossing The people of Meghalaya are super friendly, even if they mainly speak Khasiya languages. They were happy to chat with me in Hindi, Bengali, and English. I also learned that most of them are Christian, which adds a unique flavor to their culture. A beautiful tree skeleton in Ward's lake  My driver from Dawki to Shillong was a real character. He was full of knowledge and we jammed to some tunes on the way. As we drove higher up into the mountains, the temperatu